Friday, May 28, 2004

'Round Da Sphere...

Okay, let's see what's going on in Blogland, hmmmm....

The Forums at Any Which Way are really starting to cook. Scroff & Ruthie also have some excellent articles posted dealing with Washington Whistle-blowing and the "missing" WMD's. Also a hearty welcome to new members, Nat & Stupid Liberal! (Yup, you read it right! BTW, you don't have to be a Lib to register there, everyone is welcome to register and post their opinions or articles. Anyone can post whatever they want in the Forums. Post whatever you want, but, if you flame you will be incinerated in turn, just a friendly warning!)

Okay, Mad Mikey at Mad Mikey's Blogspot is carrying the torch for the "Right" with posts dealing with Jennifer Garner's ad for the CIA and a piece on us lefty "moonbats" at a Pro/anti-Bush rally. He's also got a post on the Palestinians' use of children as "weapons". Interesting reading, check it out.

Mike the Marine at From The Halls To The Shores, has really been busy!