Anyway, two things caught my eye. The first is another Quiz from quizilla. Since I'm killing time waiting for boxing on HBO, I decided to take another Quiz. What the hell, couldn't turn out worse than deudder quiz I took.
Here's the results.

Magister Mundi sum!
"I am the Master of the Universe!"
You are full of yourself, but you're so cool you
probably deserve to be. Rock on.
Which Weird Latin Phrase Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Now do you finally unnerstan'? I am the Master of The Universe! Who needs elections! Somebody notify George Bush to vacate my new home, I'll be taking over in the morning!
Anyway, try it yourself. See what happens, maybe there's two of us!
The second thing that caught my eye is of a far more serious nature. As I think about it, it deserves a post of it's own, so bear with me until I write one. In the meantime, for those who can't wait, stop by Mike The Marine's and look for the post entitled, "One For The Navy"