at the Democratic National Convention
Dear IVAW Supporter,
IVAW Claims Victory in Denver and Heads to Minneapolis
Our members were in Denver on Wednesday leading a march of ten thousand to the Democratic National Convention where we delivered a message to the Obama camp in a meeting with senior campaign officials. IVAW called on the Democratic nominee to endorse the three main goals of IVAW: Immediate withdrawal, full veterans benefits, and reparations for the Iraqi people.
There was plenty of news coverage about our march and actions at the DNC, just go to our homepage to learn more. IVAW will continue to advance its goals through the strategic action of our members and the generosity of our supporters.
There is No Better Time Than Now to Support IVAW
IVAW members are now on their way to Minneapolis for the annual IVAW convention. Many will stay on in Minneapolis for the Republican National Convention. We need your support to help keep the momentum from this event going. Please make a donation to IVAW today.
Thank you for your continued support,
Kelly Dougherty
Former Sergeant, Army National Guard
Executive DirectorIraq Veterans Against the War
Also posted at The American Patriot Institute