The Tubes doing White Punks On Dope
Last one for tonight, I promise.
This is the one I promised earlier, or later, if you're just getting here now.
(To see the earlier post, simply activate the Time Manipulation Dial under the face-plate of your decoder rings, or, simply scroll down! )
Have another one up tomorrow morning for all you "Sports Fans"!
Sleep well, and hopefully, not alone!
Saturday, December 02, 2006
She's A Beauty
The Tubes - She's A Beauty
Wasn't gonna post anymore today but then I found this!
The Tubes are one of my Favorite bands!
Watch the face of the young man in the video, LOL!
Hope you enjoy it!
uh-oh, may be 1 more, after, uh, before this!
Sorry, just can't help myself today, LOL! (Note to self: Don't blog stoned!)
Wasn't gonna post anymore today but then I found this!
The Tubes are one of my Favorite bands!
Watch the face of the young man in the video, LOL!
Hope you enjoy it!
uh-oh, may be 1 more, after, uh, before this!
Sorry, just can't help myself today, LOL! (Note to self: Don't blog stoned!)
Freakdom On The March!

One of my most cherished memories of the fabulous Sixties was the simple pleasure of laying back, firing up a bowl of Thai Stick and reading the latest copy of The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers! (In fact the Thai Stick helped keep every subsequent reading as fresh and side-splitting as the first!)
I truely loved growing up in the Generation that invented Sex, Drugs & Rock & Roll. And now, for those of you who missed it, the Sixties, the real Sixties are about to come alive again in a new stop-motion animated, full length, feature film, entitled, "Grass Roots", by Grass Roots films.
If you just can't wait for the movie, get your Freak Fix now at Freaknet - The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers comics!
Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers Pilot
The definitive statement about 1960's hippie-dom! The Freak Brothers were my heroes then and they remain my heroes today, almost 40 years later!
So spark up a fatty, lay down some rails and welcome the Hairy Trio into your homes and your hearts!
For those of you who weren't alive in the sixties, this should serve as a great introduction to the Woodstock Generation, Flower Power and the origins of "Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll!" as seen through the wise eyes of

Fat Freddy Scat!
Friday, December 01, 2006
Granny, Would You Make Me Your Special Brownies Again?

Bingo-Playing Grandma Guilty in Pot Case - NEWS - US NATIONAL -
Wowee Zowie, Maui Wowee?
If it weren't for real it would be funny.
I've already posted about this subject before. Just scroll down for the post entitled Legislating Morality.
(Gee, do ya think this coulda been Granny in her wild and mis-spent youth during the '60's?)
Kids Build Soybean-Fueled Car, Futuristic After-School Project Wows Crowd At Philly Auto Show - CBS News

For that reason I'm more impressed with the story below.
Kids Build Soybean-Fueled Car, Futuristic After-School Project Wows Crowd At Philly Auto Show - CBS News
To skip the text and go directly to the video, click the link below! (Anybody with a sense of humor, or better, destiny, will appreciate the "sponsor" of this video! LMAO!)
Fantastic work kids! Our future is in your hands!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Why am I not surprised?

From the Article:
AMMAN, Jordan - President Bush said Thursday the United States will speed a turnover of security responsibility to Iraqi forces but assured Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki that Washington is not looking for a "graceful exit" from a war well into its fourth violent year.
Why am I not surprised?
Bush Agrees to Speedy Turnover in Iraq - NEWS -
Why am I not surprised? #2

Army Scammed Into Buying Golf Balls - NEWS - STRANGE -
Why am I still not surprised...
Gee, think they'll get around to Halliburton, KBR, Bechtel and the other War Profiteers?
Moderateman's On Fire!!!

Moderateman's on Fire!!!!
In my morning jaunt around the blogosphere, I noticed two things...
First: Spadoman at Round Circle will be on hiatus while he completes a move to new quarters. I wish him the best and eagerly await his return.
Second: The Moderateman is on a fucking roll!!!!!! If you haven't stopped there yet, hurry over, you won't be sorry!
(After yer finished here, lol!)
Legislating Morality

Right on, Franklin!
Far out, man, canyadiggit?
A recent article by Katie Hess for the Associated Press states that as of the end of last year, 7 million of our fellow citizens, (an amazing 1 in 32!), were either imprisoned or on parole or probation! 2, 200,000 were behind bars!
The article also states that 49% of all Federal prisoners are incarcerated due to drug-related activities!
49%! And that's just the Federal Prison Population! That doesn't account for State, County and Municipal Jails!
This is insane!
Now I will admit that I am biased. I love the Noble Weed and partake regularly and I'm not ashamed to say so. In fact, being a "Child Of The Sixties", there aren't too many drugs that I haven't at least tried. I smoked my first joint in the Summer of '64, the same night that I lost my virginity to an older sister of a friend of mine. The combination of sex and weed and the Beatles was overwhelming! Darlene was so beautiful! Long, black hair and blue eyes. Breasts just the right size with perfect nipples. And a dark sensuality that drew me into an abyss of pleasure and swallowed me whole. Since then I have rarely made love without the noble weed. The orgasms go on forever and unlike Viagra, there are no detrimental side effects.
Except one.
My partner and I could be arrested and imprisoned for enjoying our drug of choice.
Which brings me to the point. How can you legislate morality?
I know that we do, but I don't believe it is right. What is moral behavior for one is immoral and distasteful to another.
Homosexuality, for instance. If you believe homosexuality is an abomination, great! Don't be a homosexual.
If you believe that Gay marriage is a sin, terrific! Don't marry a Gay person!
And if you believe that abortion is a sin, fine! Don't have one!
But please don't tell me that your morals are superior to mine and that I must adhere to yours!
There are many good reasons to legalize certain drugs. Not the least being the fact that millions of otherwise law-abiding American citizens enjoy a toke or two of "Happy Air" and are currently at risk of going to prison for nothing more than a personal preference.
I have tried to do some research on the percentage of people arrested and/or incarcerated for either marijuana or cocaine possession and/or trafficking. It is very hard to do since many people who have been arrested for other crimes have also been in the possession of a "controlled substance" at the time of their arrest. Many of these crimes have been very serious, such as rape and murder. Many of these crimes have been committed because of the drugs themselves, such as "drive-bys" and "turf wars" for control of an a/o (area of operations).
On the surface this seems to be the perfect argument against legalization, but, those individuals would have committed the offense anyway! The fact that they were in possession of an illegal drug is incidental to the primary offense, ie: rape, murder. Many more crimes are committed as a result of alcohol intoxication, should we outlaw alcohol? Ofcourse not, since the majority of us use alcohol responsibly. Denying the responsible majority because of a foolish few is nonsense.
As for "drive-by shootings" and "turf wars", they simply wouldn't exist if the gangs had nothing to fight over! There will always be gangsters as long as there is something people want that they cannot get anywhere-else. We can eliminate a whole lot of them by legalizing the very product that sustains them! Believe me, it's a whole lot easier to sell a bag of weed or coke than it is to set up a sports book, money-loaning operation or pimp stable. I''m talking from experience here folks.
Now the latest in our Insane Government's attempt to appeal to the conscience of the more affluent "substance abusers" informs us that using illegal drugs finances terrorism! If that were true, I'd be performing an Unpatriotic act right now!
The fact is that the most harmful drug, opium, from which we get morphine and heroin, is flourishing in Afghanistan! In fact, since we "liberated" Afghanistan, the poppy production has grown to the point where Afghanistan now produces 95% of the world's heroin! (Yeah, we're in control there! Right!)
How much of that do you think is financing terrorism? Bou-fucking-coup!
Bottom line is folks, as we used to say in the Fabulous '60's, "You do your thing and I'll do mine".
"Do your own thing as long as you don't hurt anybody."
Okay, gotta go, my joint went out and I gotta find a light!
I'll Never Smoke Weed With Willie Again - video powered by Metacafe
7M in U.S. Jails, on Probation or Parole - NEWS - US NATIONAL -
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Reality Check
What does it all mean? In the microcosm of the battlefield all concerns boil down to one thing, staying alive and keeping your buddies healthy and whole.
But then, the Chickenhawks who have sent our young men and women into battle for a Lie wouldn't know anything about that, now would they?
35 years ago or 35 minutes ago, it makes no difference to a dead man. But like the saying goes, "To Err Is Human. To Forgive, Devine. Neither of Which Is Marine Corps Policy.
We will not forget. We will not forgive.
Michael Richards Is Not Alone...

Michael Richards isn't alone. I, too, am guilty. So are most of my friends. It seems at one time or another, almost everyone I know has said it.
Almost. Still, that's far too many.
I'm speaking of the "N" word, "nigger".
The word was born in hate. It is demeaning, hurtful, disrespectful and hateful.
When a white person uses it, it conveys a feeling of racial superority to the user and nothing but disrespectful hatred toward all black people. When a black person uses it, he or she undermines the glorious achievements of black people as a whole.
The picture above is of the 369th Infantry Regiment, New York, "Harlem's Hellfighters". It was taken in 1919 during World War I. The Hellfighters were the first Americans to ever be awarded France's Croix de Guerre. They were one of the most decorated American Units in the War and fought alongside the Marines at the Battle of Belleau Wood.
So, what does this have to do with the "N" word?
Black Americans have fought and shed blood for this country since the Revolutionary War. The South and a good part of the North was built on their backs. They have earned and deserve the respect and fellowship of their fellow Americans. The use of the "N" word undermines this and separates us as Americans at a time in our history when we need to draw together, live together and work together to restore our nation to it's full potential. Divisive tactics have long been employed by those seeking to maintain power. After all, if we're watching them and they're watching us, whose watching those at the top?
So, to all my black Brothers and Sisters, I am sorry. I have contributed to the hate and divisiveness of the races. I pledge to never use the word again, to strive for racial harmony and mutual respect. I will not support those, black or white, who use the word. I will not contribute to the hate.
Please accept my most sincere apology.
Harlem's Hellfighters
Monday, November 27, 2006
New Links
Found some new sites that I would like to link to.
The first is Round Circle, by Spadoman. Spadoman is a voice of sanity in an otherwise insane world. Complete with beautiful photography and peace-inspiring musings, it's sure to please, check him out.
The second site is One Pissed Off Veteran, by Farnsworth. This site is more along the lines of what you will ususally find here, pissed off Veterans. As such, he belongs with his fellow Pissed off Brothers. A great resource site for numbers, stats and facts and a good read. I recommend visiting.
The third site is one that should have been here from jump. Operation Yellow Elephant. The subject it deals with absolutely turns my stomach, yet it is one that must be pursued. Operation Yellow Elephant exposes the lie behind the War because it exposes the young Republicon elites who follow in the tradition of Vice President Dick Cheney, Karl Rove and others, who so eloquently advocate War while never having served themselves! As soon as I can figure out how, I'll have one of their logos posted in my sidebar. A great site, but bring a barf bag if you, like me, are disgusted by the very thought of Chickenhawks.
Now, please give me a little time to get the links up. MeBrudder, scroff, recently redisgned the place for me and I'm not sure I know how to do this without crashing the whole dam thing! In the meantime, you can visit from the links above.
Semper Fidelis!
The first is Round Circle, by Spadoman. Spadoman is a voice of sanity in an otherwise insane world. Complete with beautiful photography and peace-inspiring musings, it's sure to please, check him out.
The second site is One Pissed Off Veteran, by Farnsworth. This site is more along the lines of what you will ususally find here, pissed off Veterans. As such, he belongs with his fellow Pissed off Brothers. A great resource site for numbers, stats and facts and a good read. I recommend visiting.
The third site is one that should have been here from jump. Operation Yellow Elephant. The subject it deals with absolutely turns my stomach, yet it is one that must be pursued. Operation Yellow Elephant exposes the lie behind the War because it exposes the young Republicon elites who follow in the tradition of Vice President Dick Cheney, Karl Rove and others, who so eloquently advocate War while never having served themselves! As soon as I can figure out how, I'll have one of their logos posted in my sidebar. A great site, but bring a barf bag if you, like me, are disgusted by the very thought of Chickenhawks.
Now, please give me a little time to get the links up. MeBrudder, scroff, recently redisgned the place for me and I'm not sure I know how to do this without crashing the whole dam thing! In the meantime, you can visit from the links above.
Semper Fidelis!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Understanding The Opposite Sex

A lot has been made about the "War Between The Sexes". Books have been written, "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Hell", and yet we seem no closer to understanding each other. Although both men and women use the same language, the meanings behind the words remain as elusive and hard to grasp as an 18 year old jello wrestler.
In an effort to bring the sexes together and bridge the communications gap, I offer the following:
(Thanks to for the image!)
* 40-ish..................................49.
* Adventurous..........................Slept with everyone.
* Athletic................................No breasts.
* Average looking.....................Moooo.
* Beautiful..............................Pathological liar.
* Emotionally Secure..................On medication.
* Feminist...............................Fat.
* Free Spirit.............................Junkie.
* Friendship first.......................Former Slut.
* New-Age..............................Body hair in the wrong places.
* Old-fashioned........................No B.J.'s
* Open-minded.........................Desperate.
* Outgoing..............................Loud and
* Professional...........................Bitch.
* Voluptuous...........................Very fat.
* Large frame...........................Hugely fat.
* Wants soul mate.....................Stalker.
* Yes.....................................No
* No......................................Yes
* Maybe.................................No
* We need...............................I want
* I am sorry.............................You'll be sorry
* We need to talk......................You're in trouble
* Sure, go ahead........................You better not
* Do what you want...................You will pay for this
* I am not upset........................Of course, I am
upset, you moron!
* Fine!............................................Dead Man Walking
* You're attentive tonight............Is sex all you ever
think about?
* I am hungry...........................I am hungry
* I am sleepy............................I am sleepy
* I am tired..............................I am tired
* Nice dress..............................Nice cleavage!
* I love you..............................Let's have sex
* I am bored.............................Do you want to
have sex?
* May I have this dance?..................I'd like to have
sex with you.
* Can I call you sometime?..............I'd like to have
sex with you.
* Do you want to go to a movie?......I'd like to have sex
with you.
* Can I take you out to dinner?........I'd like to have sex
with you.
* I don't think those shoes go with that
outfit..............I'm gay.
Thanks to Cindi Albeser for the above clarifications!
One For The Ladies...

This one's for the Gals...
Click the link above, then click open, then click on the numbers!
Note: You need to have Power Point Viewer installed in order to view this! Free Download here.
(5 minutes on 56k dial up, 1 minute on broadband)
(What I woulda looked like if I had listened to me Mudda and ate my veggies!)
d. (not Christopher)
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