Merry Christmas and A "Cappy" New Year!

Merry Christmas from Mr. Hanky and our own little "Cappy, dawun-eyed Wonderdog"!

Merry Christmas to All!

damarvelous44magster and deuddersun would like to wish All a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and prosperous New Year! (yeah, we're stoned...)

damagster & Cardboard Elvis

damagster and Cardboard Elvis send all their best wishes to All of YOU!
(Didn't know Elvis was an Eagle Fan didja!)

Merry Christmas from Cardboard Elvis & deuddersun

The above photo says it all! Oh yeah, Fuck Dallas! Go Eagles!
Merry Christmas!!!! Cya at the Superbowl!!!
Well, it's been quite a year. Scroff and I lost our mom. damagster lost her Dad. Bush got re-elected. On a positive note, I've met some really interesting folks. In the coming year I've decided to tone down the politics here and post stuff of a more personal nature. Work, for instance, or what else is going on in my little corner of the world. I'll save the political commentary for Any Which Way. Hey, I'm the Moderator for the Labor/Management Forums over there and it's high time I started to Moderate! (Moderate my ass! Everybody knows I'm rabidly pro-union, LOL!)Anyway, thanks to all who stopped by here and brightened up our days with your thoughts, comments and love.
Best to All!
d. & damagster