This is the last post I will make and I want it to be joyful. About three months ago Mags rescued two feral kittens from the property she works at. We named them Maggie and Chrisy. they are both little healthy females, and while countless experts have told us that they can't be domesticated, somehow Maggie found a way. She is an incredible woman. As soft as she is hard.
Maggie grew up in the toughest Irish neighborhood in Philly, Kensington, and quickly earned a reputation as someone to respect. The rumor there is that she taught Bernard "The Executioner" Hopkins how to throw the Philly left hook.
Once, when we were playing around, slap-boxing, I accidently caught her with a good one. While I was shocked, she ducked and drove her little left fist into my floating ribs, rapidly, twice, breaking two of them. She didn't realize what she had done, thinking I was faking as I slumped, holding my side in excrutiating pain, so she hit me three more times in rapid succession. Now that's a girl I can love!
Once, when we were in a Puerto Rican bar in Camden, NJ, a major fight broke out. We were there with a friend and she refused to leave. While the entire place was embroiled in a fist flying, bottle-throwing melee, I hustled her out the back door as weapons were being drawn. Drawing my own I headed back in to cover my friend, only to see the Magster flying back in thru the front door, blasting away with her own little pistola! LOL! If ever a chick had balls, she does.
But her other side is as soft as this one is hard. And that is what enabled her, in spite of all odds, to care for these two little lost souls. To shower them with the same love she gives to me. When my daughters asked her what she was doing with a piece of shit like me, she told them she loved me, and she never deserted those she loved. Kinda sounds like a Marine to me.
And so that is where I am going. To my Mags, to our kittens, to our Cappyboo, our 13 year old wonderful one-eyed dog, to Rachel and Pee, our older kitties, to the love that is true and won't desert me.
And to my business. It is high time I stopped waiting for my career to come to me. I must seek it out. There's a lot of schekels to be had in the Movie biz, as well as rewards uncountable in dollars and cents. I have sacrificed my entire life to get where I am and now I have to put the pedal to the metal and let it go.
I still have my "real" family who love me and I am responsible for them and their well-being.
Peace, Love and best wishes to all.