Our little family sufferred a terrible loss on Wednesday, April 28, 2004, when our Mother passed away after losing a long, hard fought battle with lung cancer. The photo above was taken at a barbecue last summer when scroff and I got her to ham it up a bit with Cardboard Elvis. She did so with a laugh. Mom loved life. It was the last time the entire family was together until the night she died. When the end came, we were all there, my Father, my brother Scroff and my two daughters, holding her little hands, as she slipped away from us, ever so gently.
She died as she lived. A gentle, loving soul, slow to anger, quick to forgive. She and my Dad were "old school". They got married in 1950 and they stayed married for the rest of her life. If I know my Dad, he'll still be married to her for the rest of his life too.

Not that there weren't any lumps in the porridge. There always are. But instead of one leaving the other, they worked things out. That's what true love is. And my Dad loved my Mom with a passion you just don't see anymore. He still does, he always will. My Dad is what I have always tried to be, "The Right Kind of Guy".
I remember watching an old TV game show with my Mom when I was little; "Queen For A Day". I asked my Mom if she would like to be on the show, if she would like to be the Queen. She told me she already was a Queen, my Father's Queen. My Father once told me, "She may be your Mother, but she's my Babydoll." She was Dad's Queen, his Babydoll. Right to the end.
She loved us both as only a Mother can. She backed us both as only a Mother could. Scroff cleaned himself up and now helps others do the same. Me? Well, the less said the better. After all, Mom always said, "If you can't say something nice about somebody, don't say anything at all."
She was the last of the "Old Breed", a real New York City "Goil". Brooklyn born and Brooklyn bred.
We are really going to miss her.
Her Son...deuddersun.
Bye Mom...I love you. We love you.
(Out of respect for my Mother and the folks who are stopping by and offerring their respect, I will not be posting anything-else until Mother's Day. Thank you all for your kind words, thoughts and prayers. - d.)
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