Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Well, I haven't been around in a while - working my ass off, mainly to pay for this holiday! Also, with a potential Actor's strike looming in the near future, I figured I'd better make hay while the sun shines...sigh...
Anyway, we all know that Christmas is for the little ones, don't we? (Somehow I kinda thought it was a Christian Holy day. How that morphed into a spending frenzy Holiday is still kinda bewildering to me, but, it is what it is...) So now that Christmas is finally here, and all the little dear ones are frantically shredding wrapping paper, losing tiny parts and breaking those oh so expensive toys, it's time for us adults to pour a stiff one and sit back and relax.
With that in mind, I give you the following...
Oh, this is for us! So keep the curtain climbers and the crumb crushers away from the keyboard for a few minutes and enjoy!
Merry Christmas from deuddersun and damarvelous44magster!
For those serving, especially my Marines...
For the rest of us, especially my Union Brothers & Sisters...
And a Happy New Year! (Uh, the one that starts January 20th!)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Cookies Update
So, I'm giving it a rest. Will try again tomorrow.
Good night!
All Gave Some...Some Gave All
Today I would like to put politics aside and honor the Warriors.

The Sentinels Creed
My dedication to this sacred duty is total and wholehearted.
In the responsibility bestowed on me never will I falter.
And with dignity and perseverance my standard will remain perfection.
Through the years of diligence and praise and the discomfort of the elements,
I will walk my tour in humble reverence to the best of my ability.
It is he who commands the respect I protect.
His bravery that made us so proud.
Surrounded by well meaning crowds by day alone in the thoughtful peace of night,
this soldier will in honored glory rest under my eternal vigilance.
This is for Jerry Maguire.
Mag's First love...
Who, only six weeks in country
Was shot in the head
While walking point.
God Bless You
Today we'll visit the wall
here in Philly
and drink a beer with you.
Gerald Maguire
United States Army
Once, Always. Forever
For My Own...

While the weapons may have changed over time, one thing remains the same, the Marine who wields it.
The Final Inspection
The Marine stood and faced his God
Which must always come to pass.
He hoped his shoes were shining
Just as brightly as his brass.
Step forward now, oh, Devil-Dog,
How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek?
To My Church have you been true?
The Jarhead squared his shoulders... said,
"No, Lord, I guess I ain't,
'cause those of us who carry guns
Can't always be a saint.
I've had to work most Sundays
And at times my talk was tough,
And sometimes I've been violent,
'cause the world is awfully rough.
But, I never took a penny
That wasn't mine to keep...
Though I worked a lot of overtime
When the bills just got too steep,
And I never passed a cry for help,
Though at times I shook with fear,
And sometimes, God forgive me,
I've wept unmanly tears.
I know I don't deserve a place
Among the people here,
They never wanted me around
Except to calm their fear.
"If you've a place for me here, Lord,
It needn't be so grand,
I never expected or had too much,
So if you don't, I'll understand."
A silence fell all 'round the throne
Where Saints had often trod,
As the Marine awaited quietly,
The judgment of his God.
Step forward now, My Fine Marine,
You've borne your burdens well,
Walk your post on Heaven's streets,
You've served your time in Hell.
Sleep in Peace, Brothers.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Get 'em While They're Hot!!!

Dear MoveOn member,
Have you ordered your free "Victory" sticker yet? We've already given away close to 2 million of them and I wanted to make sure you had a chance to order one.
These stickers are a really special way to commemorate this moment—they're designed by ground-breaking artist, Shepard Fairey, the same artist who designed the iconic "Hope" image of Obama. They're our small way of saying "Thanks!" for everything you did to make this moment in history possible.
Click below to order your free sticker now:
And please forward this to any other Obama supporters you know. So many people had a hand in this amazing victory, and we want to thank them all—and give them a sticker that'll remind them of it every day :-).
Thanks for all you do, and congratulations!
–Nita, Daniel, Laura, Justin and the rest of the team
Hell, I'm ordering a dozen and handing them out to my Republian friends! Get your's today!
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Philadelphia Celebrates!
Why am I not at work today? Because I was here last night!
I just don't have the words to describe what I'm feeling today so I'll leave it up to the two most beloved Philly women since Betsy Ross -
Lauren Hart and Kate Smith!
God Bless America!
VICTORY! For all of us...
2004 was a major disappointment to those of us in the reality based community. It was a hard slap in the face. We were so sure our fellow Americans could see what was so obvious to us. Bush's re-election was an icy cold dagger through our collective heart. And so it was with renewed resolve and dedication that we set out to save our country from itself. While many on the Always Wrong Right prayed for our failure, it seems God delivered to us a man who could finally help us recover all that was good about America - that man was Barack Obama.
Tonight, Barack Obama is the next President of the United States of America. Yes, he is the first President of African American heritage, and that, in and of itself, is earth shattering and history making. But more importantly, he is a man driven to bring out the best in America, to bring out the best in all Americans, and it is that quality that made him my candidate.
I have blogged for him. I have spoken for him. I have turned away from former friends who could not get over their racial prejudices for him. I have campaigned for him. I have sent him my money, given him my time, invested my future in him - in him and America. Because like him, I love my country and only want the best for it. And he hasn't let me down. And I doubt that he will.
A long time ago, before many of my readers were born, I served my country to the best of my ability. Now I am proud to pass the torch to a man who will also serve his country. A man who will lead the next generation into the 21st Century and re-light the flame of Freedom that for so long was a beacon to the rest of the world.
That man is Barack Obama. My job is finally done.
From one "Boss" to Another...thanks helped put it over the top
Sing along.. I wanna fuckin hear ya in Philadelphia!
I need a rest. Good night and God Bless...
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
America Wins!!!!
We The People...

Powerful words. In those three words lie the basis of our Constitution, our Nation, our Freedom, for all power given to Government is derived from the People. We are the Government and those we "hire" to do our will are answerable to us. Otherwise we become the "governed", subject to the rule of a handful of others, rather than a free and independent people, self-governed through Representatives we elect to serve us.
For the last eight years we have been "governed" by a handful of "others" who have sought only to serve themselves and their own self-interests. They have taken the Power we gave them and abused both it and us. It is time to take that Power back. It is time for a second American Revolution. It is time for change.
Today we will have the chance to make that change. To Revolt against those who have misused our sacred trust. Who have misled us into an un-necessary war for profit, bankrupt our economy, left our children behind, abandoned our fellow citizens in time of National Disaster, (Katrina), deprived the new Veterans they have created of the proper medical care and benefits they have earned, shredded our Constitution, broken our Laws shamelessly and without fear of reprisal, lied to us continuously, allowed Bin Laden to remain dangerous and at large,and made Justice a travesty. They have made profit for themselves their only goal, while using our hard earned money for corporate socialism as they ignore the plight of millions of Americans who have lost homes, jobs and hope.
Today it is time for us to Declare our Independence once more. Today we can take back America, and make it ours again. Today, with one vote at a time, we can tell those who would reduce us to a feudal state that we will take no more, we will not allow them to rape us for the benefit of multi-national corporations whose only interest is maximizing profit at our expense. We can tell them that we want our freedom back - the freedom of a worker to choose whether or not he or she joins a Union, the freedom of a woman to choose what to do with her own body, the freedom to communicate with each other without government eavesdropping, the freedom to peacefully assemble and petition our government without jackbooted thugs attacking us, the freedom from fear of an unforeseen health crisis destroying our lives, the freedom from religious zealots imposing their will upon us. Freedom. The very foundation upon which our America was built - that foundation which the Bush-Cheney regime has consistently undermined and sought to destroy for the last eight years.
Today we must say NO to those who would continue the failed policies of the past. Today we must reclaim the Power we gave to the usurpers and return it where it belongs, with We, the People! Today we must unite together, millions of Americans speaking with one loud, clear voice, it... is... over, we will take no more! We will choose freedom over slavery, hope over despair, the future over the past!

Today we will elect Barack Obama and Joe Biden!
Power To The People!
Turn it up!
Monday, November 03, 2008
Wassup? 8 Years Later...
Obama - Biden for Change We Need!
Hattip to my good friend and Union Brother - Manny Sanchez
Sunday, November 02, 2008
For My Brother...
Not so much a place
More a state of mind
A state of being
A state of grace
Let us find our way
Back to the Garden...
Vote November 4th
Obama - Biden
Let's find our way back...
Another Veteran for Obama
You Tell Him Jarhead
When you're done, take a look around. Good stuff going on there.
Friday, October 31, 2008
AFL-CIO Launches Largest Get Out The Vote Effort Ever
250,000 Volunteers in 20 Battleground States Aim to Turn Out 13 Million Union Voters With Emphasis on Swing Groups Like Retirees, Veterans and Gun Owners

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Neil Young cancels picketed L.A. concert

Vist the Official Neil Young YouTube Channel and purchase his new album Chrome Dreams II! Let's support those who support us!
For more information on IATSE, browse the links in the left sidebar under "No Biz Like Show Biz" or click here.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Phillies Win the World Series!!!!
We Won!
PHILADELPHIA - OCTOBER 29: Chase Utley #26, Ryan Howard #6 and Geoff Jenkins #10 of the Philadelphia Phillies pile on top of closing pitcher Brad Lidge #54 after they won 4-3 to win the World Series against the Tampa Bay Rays during the continuation of game five of the 2008 MLB World Series on October 29, 2008 at Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 10:07 p.m. ET, 10/29/08
Pandemonium reigns just outside my window as a city deprived of a World Championship, any World Championship, since the Philadelphia 76er's won it all in 1983, revels in the victory that makes the Philadelphia Phillies the Champions of the baseball world!
Yes, the Philadelphia Phillies have won the 2008 World Series! The end came in the top of the ninth, when Brad Lidge pitched a strikeout to end it all and finally bring a World Championship to a Sports Loving City long overdue!
Phillies finally finish off Rays, win World Series
Philadelphia, this is for you!
Video courtesy of KidByTheBay415
Note: Thanks to the spoilsports and party poopers at Fox Televsion, any and all videos using any part of their broadcast have been removed from YouTube due to copyright infringement. Thanks for helping us celebrate Fox! One more reason to turn you off!
A city of Rocky's, hard working, blue collar, middle class, real Americans, who dare to dream the impossible, represented on the ball field by a team of Rocky's, who not only dared to dream, but dared to win!
Congratulations Philadelphia and the 2008 World Series Champions, the Philadelphia Phillies!!
See ya at the parade tomorrow!
Video courtesy of PhillyPhan104
The Vet Who did Not Vet
Undecided? Meet Barack Obama
Six days from today, on November 4, 2008, Americans will decide which direction this great nation of ours will take into the 21st Century. To me the choice is clear and simple. Barack Obama holds the promise of much needed change. To others, the prospect of change is frightening, for they fear it will transform America into something unrecognizable to them, and so they will choose the status quo - 4 more years of Bush's failed policies, 4 more years of a government that coddles Wall Street and is unresponsive to Main Street.
Still others have yet to decide. They have been bombarded with falsehoods regarding Barack Obama - he's a Muslim, he pals around with "terrorists", he won't wear an American Flag lapel pin, he is only concerned with African American issues, he will bring socialism to America, he isn't a "real" American.
None of this is true.
Yes, he will bring change. Change is what is needed. But what if I told you that that change will return us to the America we knew before George Bush and the neo-cons took power 8 long years ago in 2000? What if I told you that that change will put Americans to work again? That change will strengthen our failing economy? That change will greatly improve our educational system? That change will ensure that no American need ever fear catastrophic illness again?
That no American need ever watch a loved one die due to lack of proper health care? That no American will go bankrupt due to overwhelming medical bills again? That our troops will come home from a war they never should have been made to fight in the first place? That this will strengthen our National Security? That this will give our military a much needed rest and time to rebuild? (Very critical in a time when North Korea threatens to reduce our ally, South Korea, to rubble. We still have troops stationed there who would be over-run and over-matched should this occur. How will we save them with so many troops policing a country, (Iraq), that by now should surely be able to police itself?)
Is that so bad? Not at all. In fact it is what the Republicans have been promising us for the last 8 years. Promises they have consistantly failed to deliver on while fattening the purses of the ultra-rich and the multi-national corporations who have no interest in seeing the average American succeed.
So to those of you who haven't decided yet, to those of you who are leaning towards McCain - Palin, I ask you to meet Barack Obama. A real American who cares for all Americans!
Obama-Biden '08!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Skinheads Plot To Kill Obama - 102 Black People

Feds disrupt alleged skinhead plot to kill Obama
The knucklehead in the photo above brings to mind the Rightwing Hate group, the Protest Warriors - a bunch of young chickenhawks who also like to pose for pictures with firearms while claiming to be a "peaceful counter-protest group". Their ranks are also filled with "real" Americans from the "heartland".

While the residents of the two small towns involved here are claiming shock and ignorance, one has to ask, how is it they knew nothing? A different news report on quoted one resident of Bells, Tn., Sam Lewis, as saying, "If we had any skinheads living in this county, I wasn't aware of it." Mr. Lewis lives across the street from Daniel Cowart and apparently never "noticed" his neighbor's shaven head!
Somehow I can't help but think that the racist hatred displayed by these two miscreants was subtly condoned and perhaps, even encouraged, by a latent racist attitude against black people that still seems to survive in "small-town" America, particularly, Southern "small town" America. Face it, people aren't born racist, it is a learned behavior, taught to, and encouraged in, children by adults. I spent my teen years in small towns and I have seen this firsthand. Like many of us though, my parents taught me that all people are created equal. I guess that basic "Christian" teaching was missing in the formative years of these two hatemongers who, not only wanted to murder 102 innocent human beings, but behead 14 of them as well!
If this is the "real" America, Sarah, you can keep it!
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" - attributed to Edmund Burke
Monday, October 27, 2008
Pops On Race - from Alternate Brain
Pops On Race
There are at least two larger national lessons to be learned from what is likely to be the last gasp of Allen-McCain-Palin politics in 2008. The first, and easy one, is that Republican leaders have no idea what “real America” is. In the eight years since the first Bush-Cheney convention pledged inclusiveness and showcased Colin Powell as its opening-night speaker, the G.O.P. has terminally alienated black Americans (Powell himself now included), immigrant Americans (including the Hispanics who once gave Bush-Cheney as much as 44 percent of their votes) and the extended families of gay Americans (Palin has now revived a constitutional crusade against same-sex marriage). Subtract all those players from the actual America, and you don’t have enough of a bench to field a junior varsity volleyball team, let alone a serious campaign for the Electoral College.
The good folks at Alternate Brain have a great post up dealing with racism in the upcoming election. Their view is a little rosier than mine and I thought it should be included in any discussion of the subject. I hope that they are right. I hope that there will be a "reverse Bradley effect", where-in white middle-class folks, who would never admit it to each other in their local taprooms, will actually pull the lever for the best candidate for America after all. I hope that I am totally wrong in my fears of latent racism affecting the outcome of this election. I hope that I have "misunderestimated" my own race. Time will tell.
While you are at Alternate Brain take a look around. They cover a lot more ground than I do and they do a damn good job of it too. So head on over and give them a look. You won't be sorry.
Alternate Brain
Barack Obama For President

This is an older post that I am re-posting. With only 9 days left to the Election, it is time for the "undecideds" to "decide". I post this in the hopes that any who may have reservations about voting for a "Black man", will exhibit the courage required to go against their own prejudices and do the right thing for their families, their country and themselves.
The other day at work, a friend of mine asked me who I was supporting in the upcoming Presidential election. Now this particular individual is actually more than just a friend, I consider him my Brother. He got me into the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Local # 52, which is no easy feat. We don't recruit, we don't advertise and we try not to organize. Our Local is the Elite of the motion picture and television industry for technicians and we can only keep it that way by accepting the very best. As such we are powerful in our industry and command the highest wages. It is an honor and a privilege to belong to IA Local #52. For this reason alone, I owe him a debt of gratitude I can never repay. On top of that, he has always hired me as his General Foreman whenever he gets a job. The man has enabled me to make more money than I ever thought possible for a guy who basically nails shit together for a living.
We have always had a very open and honest relationship. He has helped me through some tough times and I have had the privilege of doing so for him. His opinions have always carried a great deal of weight with me and there is virtually nothing I wouldn't do for him.
So when he asked me who I was supporting for President I didn't hesitate. "Obama", I replied.
"Obama?", was his answer. "How can you vote against your own kind?"
"What? My own kind?"
I was stunned as the implication of what he said sunk in. "My own kind?", I repeated slowly. "What 'kind' is that? You mean, how can I vote for a Black man?"
"That's right", he said.
Shock. This is a man who threatened to fire a guy who used the "N" word on the job. This is a man who always said that there was no place for racism on any of his jobs...Shock.
I was stunned. Speechless. This same man has always held me in somewhat high regard because of my service in the Marine Corps, so I thought for a moment.
"Do you know the most important thing I learned from my time in the Marines?", I asked him.
"No. What?"
"That there is only one color in America. Red. The color of the blood that runs through all of our veins. The color of the blood that many of us, Black, White, Brown and Yellow have spilled and bled, to keep this country safe. Believe me Brother, when the shit hits the fan you don't give a flying fuck in a rolling donut what the color of the guy next to you is as long as he's doing his best to keep us all alive, and the shit has definitely hit the fan for America. Who do you want next to you and does his color really matter?"
I have no doubt that John McCain suffered greatly for our country. I have no doubt of his heroism. I do doubt his sincerity though, when he votes against every bill that would aid the veterans we are creating in Bush's nightmare in Iraq. I doubt his sincerity when he says that taking the proper care of our nations new veterans will discourage re-enlistments because it will make it too easy to get out of the military, too attractive to return to civilian life. Well, John, there are two solutions, neither of which you will like. Make it more "attractive" to stay in the military or reinstate the draft, without deferments, so all who live here and reap the benefits will have to serve the country who provides the opportunities. As far as McCain's stand on the economy and domestic issues, well, I do not want another 4 to 8 years of what has already brought this once great nation to it's knees, militarily, financially and Constitutionally.
Anyway, I digress.
What it all boils down to in a nutshell is this. The shit has hit the fan for America. Who do you want fighting with you? For me, it's Barack Obama. For my Friend/Brother, well, he thought about what I said and promised to think about it some more, that maybe I was right.
Think about it yourselves. Talk to some of our new veterans. Search the internet for truth. Don't buy into Faux News or the other falsehoods being spread by the Always Wrong Right. Who do you want fighting for and with you?
And remember. It is about color. It's all about color. But the color it's about is red.
Obama '08.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
For My Union Brothers & Sisters...and ALL working Americans
As you watch the video below, look at the faces in the crowd. They are people just like us. Our friends, our neighbors, our co-workers, our families. Listen to what Brother Trumka has to say. Look into your own hearts and decide - four more years of George Bush's failed policies? Or four years of hope and rebuilding. It's time for a change. We need to rebuild America! We need to create jobs! We need a government that is more responsive to Main Street than Wall Street! Barack Obama is the man who can lead us in that effort.
So I'm asking you, working men and women, Union or not, to put aside your prejudices for just 7 minutes and 40 seconds and watch and listen. Then decide.
Thank you.
AFL-CIO's Richard Trumka on Racism and Obama
The entire speech can be seen HERE.
Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And dont criticize
What you cant understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is
Rapidly agin.
Please get out of the new one
If you cant lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin.
Bob Dylan
Hat tip to my good friend and Union Brother, Manny Sanchez
PS: Please, please repost this video! Add your own commentary or use mine. It is time for the undecided to decide!
Friday, October 24, 2008
KDKA: Police say Ashley Todd Assault a Hoax
by Jack Ryan
Ashley Todd's assault has been confirmed to be a hoax, according to KDKA. Police reportedly admitted Friday the attack was a hoax.
20-year-old Ashley Todd was facing a polygraph test to be administered by officials after claiming she was brutally beaten over her political views.
Ashley Todd, who claimed she was attacked and robbed of $60 at an ATM in the Pittsburgh, Bloomfield area Wednesday night when a '6'4, 200-pound black man' mugged her and discovered she was a McCain/Palin supporter.
According to Todd, the man robbed her at knifepoint before noticing the McCain bumper sticker on her car - triggering him to allegedly begin beating Todd with his hands and feet and carving an odd, backwards "B" on her face with his knife.
How desparate are these Rightwing Lunatics?
Scott McClellan Endorses Barack Obama!!!
In yet another crushing blow to the Always Wrong Right, former White House Press Secretary to George "Dumbya" Bush, Scott McClellan, has endorsed Senator Barack Obama for President on the premiere of D. L. Hughley's new show on CNN!
See it below!
Welcome to the Reality-based community, Scottie!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Redstate Update on Bill Ayers
Pallin' around with "hippies"?
Dam, guess I better cut my hair!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Life On Mars - Series Premiere Tonight!
The "Teaser"...
Sneak Peek at the Premiere Episode...
A look behind the scenes with Production Designer Stephen Hendrickson...
(Please note the columns - all 21 of which were lovingly handcrafted by your's truly)
So how exactly, does one recreate 1973? Props are essential!
Technology was primitive in 1973, compared to what we have today. Personal Computers hadn't been invented yet. Then a company called Atari introduced an amazing new video game! To play it, click here.
Life On Mars was an absolute pleasure to work on. I honestly can't remember the last time I got paid for having so much fun! Everyone involved in the show, from the Producers to the Cast to the Crew worked together in a spirit of mutual support and creativity.
Then there's fellow Marine, Harvey Keitel...what can I say that I haven't said already? Harvey is a real "guy", a man's man, and it was both an honor and a privilege to meet him. You can read about our meeting here, Harvey Keitel, Once, Always, Forever...
Folks, I can't recommend this show enough! Tune in tonight and every Thursday night for Life On Mars, on ABC at 10pmest/9central!
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Sarah Palin - A Madonna and Child Disconnect

Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Sarah Palin - Terrorists of Her Own
Keith says it better than I ever could...
Well, Keith, here's where you and I disagree. I don't feel sorry for Sarah. I don't feel sorry at all. This woman wants to be Vice President of the United States! The Republi-cons are so afraid she'll screw up they won't even allow the media to talk to regular folks who show up at her rallies! ( Press Kept Under A Watchful Eye, St. Petersburgh Times Blog) God knows we wouldn't want to see ole Sarah through the "filters" of the Main Stream Media! Hell, someone might ask her about Todd and Joe Vogler, (the traitorous leader of the Alaskan Independence Party who advocated Alaska's secession from the Union), or Troopergate, or where Canada is - she actually refered to Afghanistan as "one of our neighbors"!
Don't worry Sarah. I'm going to do my best to make sure that the readers of this blog, at least, get a very clear picture of exactly who you are - a vindictive bitch in the mold of Dick Cheney sans brains.
More to come.
Monday, October 06, 2008
Ok, Sarah Barracuda - The Gloves are Off!

During last Thursdays Vice Presidential debate, Sarah Barracuda repeatedly scolded Joe Biden for looking backwards, toward the past rather than the future. Now, in fact, it is Sarah who is looking backwards, with the blessings of the RNC and the McCain campaign. And why not? Like McCain and the Republi-cons she represents, she has no plans for the future other than to continue the failed policies of one George W. Bush. In doing so, she has sunk to new lows not even approached by the Swiftboat Liars who attacked a decorated veteran's honorable service. Now she is trying to tie Barack Obama to William Ayers, a former member of the Radical '60's group, the Weather Underground. It doesn't matter to Sarah or her advisers or John McCain or the RNC that Obama was 8 years old at the time and hardly in a position to "pal around" with anybody other than his fellow 2nd or 3rd grade schoolmates.
So, okay Sarah, the gloves are off. First I'm going to deal with your running mate and Father figure, John McCain. Then I'm coming after you, your family, your youthful indiscretions, your scandals, your blatant lies. And I won't be polite and I won't take it easy on you. You're a big girl now. You think you're qualified to lead this country, so pull on your Big Girl panties and take it like a man.
Let's begin with a short documentary illustrating John McCain's involvement in the Savings & Loan Scandal of the '80's:
Now let's take a look at the Five most common myths concerning John McCain's military service:
The excerpt below is from Rolling Stone's Tim Dickinson's article concerning Senator McCain's status as a "maverick":
Make-Believe Maverick
A closer look at the life and career of John McCain reveals a disturbing record of recklessness and dishonesty
Posted Oct 16, 2008 7:00 PM
At Fort McNair, an army base located along the Potomac River in the nation's capital, a chance reunion takes place one day between two former POWs. It's the spring of 1974, and Navy commander John Sidney McCain III has returned home from the experience in Hanoi that, according to legend, transformed him from a callow and reckless youth into a serious man of patriotism and purpose. Walking along the grounds at Fort McNair, McCain runs into John Dramesi, an Air Force lieutenant colonel who was also imprisoned and tortured in Vietnam.
McCain is studying at the National War College, a prestigious graduate program he had to pull strings with the Secretary of the Navy to get into. Dramesi is enrolled, on his own merit, at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces in the building next door.
There's a distance between the two men that belies their shared experience in North Vietnam — call it an honor gap. Like many American POWs, McCain broke down under torture and offered a "confession" to his North Vietnamese captors. Dramesi, in contrast, attempted two daring escapes. For the second he was brutalized for a month with daily torture sessions that nearly killed him. His partner in the escape, Lt. Col. Ed Atterberry, didn't survive the mistreatment. But Dramesi never said a disloyal word, and for his heroism was awarded two Air Force Crosses, one of the service's highest distinctions. McCain would later hail him as "one of the toughest guys I've ever met."
On the grounds between the two brick colleges, the chitchat between the scion of four-star admirals and the son of a prizefighter turns to their academic travels; both colleges sponsor a trip abroad for young officers to network with military and political leaders in a distant corner of the globe.
"I'm going to the Middle East," Dramesi says. "Turkey, Kuwait, Lebanon, Iran."
"Why are you going to the Middle East?" McCain asks, dismissively.
"It's a place we're probably going to have some problems," Dramesi says.
"Why? Where are you going to, John?"
"Oh, I'm going to Rio."
"What the hell are you going to Rio for?"
McCain, a married father of three, shrugs.
"I got a better chance of getting laid."
Please follow the link above to read the rest of this stunning expose, or just click here.
Is this the man we want as our next Commander In Chief?
Absolutely not!
Later: What Sarah Barracuda would rather you didn't know...
Gee, I can hardly wait...
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Rich Lowry's Masturbatory Moment
Hat tip to My good friend Manny.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
The Biden/Palen Debate - A View From The Right?
Kinda like a resident of Wasilla who may have partaken in a little of that Methamphetamine they like to produce up there. (I mean she did name one of her sons "Track"! So what's with all those long sleeves, Sarah?)
I am happy to know, however, after all this time, thinking that we kinda wasted fifteen years and some 54,000 American lives in a worthless pursuit called "The Viet Nam Conflict", that John McCain, (the only "Reverse Ace" I ever heard of, he crashed 4 planes before he was shot down) actually won the dam war after all! Makes me proud to be a 'Merkin!
Now many of you may be saying, "Aw, hell, d., we know you're nothing but a commie lovin, mother and apple pie hatin', Union ingrate, Godless embarrassment to the United States Marine Corps, anti-'Merkin traitor who spends more time on youporn waxin' the ole bat than in church", and I'd have to say, you're absolutely right! (For once!)
So for those of you on the Right, I've brought back those good ole boys from RedStateUpdate to balance my drug and booze addled Librul moonbat opinions with those of the 'Merkin Heartland!
(I'm gonna spark up a fatty and go grocery shopping - nothing like going to the supermarket with a severe case of the munchies!)
Truth be told, I have to agree with ole Jackie Broyles, Sarah is better than a great de-bater, hell she's a master-bater!
Friday, October 03, 2008
For Mickey...
Feel the connection...soul to soul...all part of the tapestry of the ever expanding universe...
One is All
All are One
Sing Along...believe in Hope...believe in each other
Defend the weak...Protect the Innocent...Always be the Right Kind of Guy...
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Ah, Those Summer Daze...Royal Pains & Life On Mars

Ron Petagna Jr. led the charge as Construction Coordinator. He's a great guy who knows how to hire a crew and let them work - without micro-managing. (A trick a lot of guys much older with far more experience would do well to learn.) He always made sure we had everything we needed to get the job done, on time and under budget, even if he had to go out and get it himself. Working for Ron is both a pleasure and a privilege.
One of our locations on Royal Pains was at the Catalina Beach Club on Atlantic Beach, Long Island. As you can see, the weather was beautiful and the work went quickly and easily. Here we have Manny (General Foreman), myself and the Bullfrog relaxing on the veranda above the pool, with the Atlantic Ocean in the background, at lunch. Just over Froggy's shoulder you can make out two ships at anchor.
Right after this we wandered down to the beach itself where I found a set of keys half buried in the sand. All morning long, we had noticed a young woman walking up and down the beach with her little terrier. By the time we got there, she was 20 yards away, carrying her tired little pooch. I was the first to hit the beach, (Hell, aren't all Marines?). After Manny made some wisecrack about me being old enough to remember the landing at Normandy, I looked down, shaking my head, and there, half buried in the sand, was a set of keys. Picking them up I saw that there was a house key and a key to a Lexus. Turning to Manny and Froggy, I shouted that I had just found a new Lexus, all we had to do was hit the parking lots and see which car opened when I pressed the remote! Of course I was joking, but the young lady heard me and clutching her doggie ran up to me, shouting, "Keys? Did you say Keys? Lexus?" It seems she had dropped them hours ago while taking her pooch for a morning stroll on the beach and was about to give up and call a locksmith to get into her car, and her apartment! Silly girl, she didn't have a spare key to her abode which is where the spare key to her new Lexus SUV was! We were happy to be able to help her and we all declined the reward she offered, but you can bet we gently admonished her to get spares made asap. I can't tell you how many times I've locked my own keys in my truck, at times with the motor running, so I carry 2 spares and nail one to the wall of the toolroom on whatever job I'm on - doh! All in all, a great day at the beach - with a good deed thrown in to boot!
The only down side to the summer was that I didn't get to spend a lot of time with my Lady, the magnificent magster, but I can assure you that the time we had together was, uh, well spent, lol.
Looking forward, the prospect for work looks good. I work in a recession-proof industry- entertainment, although the Screen Actors Guild could still throw a major monkey wrench into the works. It seems the negotiators for the Guild have asked the National Board for a Strike Authorization and that ain't good. Could bring production to a screeching halt, in which case I'll have more time than I want to blog. Makes me glad I piled it on this summer! I have already turned down two jobs in Philly, they just wouldn't match my rate, but no matter, I expect to be on a new job in New York by Monday. In the meantime, I plan on doing some work on the house here in Philly and catching up on you, my online buds! Hope your summer was as good as mine.
Pax Tibi!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Finally, Nancy, We Agree...
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
Thomas Jefferson,
Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin (1802)
3rd president of US (1743 - 1826)
Edited by siteowner to include Jefferson's quote and commentary below.
PS: Since there has been much hand wringing and gnashing of teeth from those on the Always Wrong Right about how Nancy Pelosi's speech infuriated and alienated so many Republi-cons that they felt no other choice but to vote against the bailout, I think it is only fair to present Nancy Pelosi's speech in it's entirety. Judge for yourself.
To me, at least, two things are obvious. First, Ms. Pelosi is finally doing her duty and putting the American taxpayer first. Second, Barney Frank is right. This feigned anger on the part of the Republi-cons is merely a cover-up for their own miserable failure to muster the required number of votes from their side of the aisle to pass the Bill, and perhaps even deeper, a real anger at having their misdeeds, which created this crisis, finally exposed. It's a bitch when the chickens come home to roost, isn't it Sen. Boner, uh Boehner?
Like the corporate raiders of the '80's, the Bush Administration, aided and abetted by fellow Republi-cons, have dismantled our economy and sold off our assets to their own great profit. Coupled with the criminal war-profiteering going on in Iraq, this Administration has used all of us to their own advantage .
Understand this about Iraq - there is not now, nor has there ever been, a plan to "win". The plan has been to rape Iraq and the American taxpayer for as long as it remains profitable to a handful of Corporations. Same as Viet Nam. (Does anyone really believe that the country who defeated both Germany and Japan a few short years earlier couldn't have defeated North Viet Nam had thePoliticians wanted to?) The profit is in the treatment, not the cure. And the treatment is being liberally applied in Iraq right now, at a cost of thousands of American lives, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives and billions of our tax dollars, tax dollars that could have been well used to benefit the American Middle-class. That being said, I hardly think we can expect anything different from someone who voted with George Bush 95% of the time over the last 8 years - John McCain.
For the last 8 years, every attempt by the Democrats to right our Ship of State has been crushed by the Republi-cons. As Ms. Pelosi states below, Democrats couldn't even get a vote on a $25 billion Economic Stimulus Bill, and yet now comes George Bush, at the last minute, begging for $700 billion to cover his own ass and crimes, and save the country from his own miscreant behavior.
So, Ms. Pelosi had it right. The party is over.
Lets make sure it doesn't just end on Wall Street, but at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as well.
Like I said, judge for yourself.
For more interesting reading on this subject, follow this link: Bush Administration Adds $4 Trillion to National Debt, by Mark Knoller.
Moderateman, founder of the American Patriot Institute has been warning us about this disaster for quite some time now. A retired CEO himself, (and a former combat Marine), Mod has an understanding of financial markets, both foreign and domestic, that is astounding. I suggest that you visit his blog, The Moderate Man, and begin reading anywhere for an excellent viewpoint of our current financial crisis.
Enemy of the Republic at Cruel Virgin offers what I like to call a "street level" look on the Bailout Vote. Check her out here, Cruel Virgin.