Remember, support is more than just a magnetic ribbon.
Dear VoteVets.org Supporter,
This weekend, I delivered the national radio response to the President's address. In my response, I talk about the legislation that passed both the House and Senate which supports our troops with desperately needed funding, but for the first time requires accountability from the President, and a real change of course in Iraq. I directly challenge the President to not veto any funds for the troops because he is afraid of changing course and showing progress in Iraq. You can listen to my radio address here.
This is just one more example of how VoteVets.org is the veterans group taking the lead in changing the course in Iraq, and demanding a path home for our men and women - safely and responsibly. VoteVets.org doesn't mince words, and it doesn't shrink away from the tough fights, or sit on the sidelines while the most important debate in recent American history rages. As a Marine, I'm proud of that. As an American, I'm even prouder.
I hope you're proud of this fine group of 21st Century American Patriots, as well. Do your part to support us, and the troops and veterans. Take a moment to email 5 of your friends, family, and neighbors, and ask them to join us, by signing up at www.votevets.org.
Semper Fi,
Lt. Col. (ret.) Andrew Horne,
Iraq War Veteran and
Senior Advisor, VoteVets.org
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