Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Me brudder, scroff, (not a hippie), left a comment concerning an old web-friend of ours who is a Hippie! For a wonderfull walk down Memory Lane, or for a treasure-trove of '60's related stuff, go visit Pieman.

Scroff at Woodstock '94
(Looks Like a Hippie, Smells Like a Hippie, Sounds Like a Hippie)

This guy is the real deal! And he is still very active in the movement. As
scroff (not a Hippie) put it:

"Pie Man is the guy who used to throw pies in the face of notable persons and politicians... he's still alive and well and living in NY... go check him out, raise his hit count, he'd appreciate the visit, believe me!"

Remember the SDS? I remember being on a college campus not too long ago and asking one of the students where the SDS office was?

"Student Duplicating Services?, Not sure. Check the map on the kiosk."

Sigh...Has it really been that long? To find out what SDS really stood for and other fabulous '60's facts, as well as Calls to Action, visit Pieman.


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